An Indian court has sentenced three Nigerians to 18 years in jail for smuggling drugs and running a heroin factory.

The convicts, Sunni Chuba Okola, Imco Dike and Nababuko Patik, who lived in the Omikron sector, were reportedly arrested on 9 June 2013 by Indian authorities for allegedly running a heroin factory in a house at number C-227 in Sector Omicron 3.

Reports say the trio were caught red-handed with a huge cache of illegal drugs, including heroin.

The additional district and sessions court judge, Shaila, gave the verdict after the case hearing dragged for almost five and a half years.

Manoj Tewatiya, government counsel in the case, told TOI that Dadri police had arrested the three men with at least 1kg of heroin powder, along with 5kg of diazepam powder, often found in sleeping pills.

 “Further investigation had revealed that all three men were living in Greater Noida even after their tourist visa had expired years ago. All three had failed to produce their passports, due to which they were never given bail after their arrest, hence they were in jail for the past five and a half years,” said Tewatiya.

He added there were eight witnesses produced in court, and after over five years of their arrest, the court awarded 18-year prison terms to each for smuggling drugs under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, along with four years for running the heroin factory and a year for breaching the Passport Act.

 “The court also imposed Rs 4 lakh as fine on each of the accused. All the punishments will be counted together,” Tewatiya added.

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